Skilled visas
Subclass 189 - Skilled
Independent Visa
This visa is for invited skilled workers*. It allows them to live and work permanently anywhere in Australia.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be invited to apply
Applicants must hold a suitable skills assessment
Their occupation must be on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations for the Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189).
Applicants must be under 45 years of age when invited to apply for this visa.
Be able to score 65 points or more.
At the time of invitation, applicants must demonstrate at least Competent English.
Be of good character.
Application Process
This is a points tested visa. Applicants can only apply for this visa if they are invited to apply for it.
When submitting their Expression of Interest (EOI) applicants must score at least 65 points to might be invited. Please note: meeting the requirements does not guarantee that applicants will be selected and receive an invitation to apply.
Live and work permanently in Australia, sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence, and potentially become an Australian citizen.
Processing Time
Processing times vary.
*Eligible Hong Kong or British National (Overseas) passport holders may apply for this visa through a dedicated stream.
Subclass 190 - Skilled
Nominated Visa
This visa lets nominated skilled workers live and work in Australia as permanent residents.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be nominated by an Australian state or territory government agency.
Applicants must be invited to apply.
Applicants must have a suitable skills assessment.
Their occupation must be on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations for the 190 Skilled Nominated visa.
Be able to score 65 points or more.
At the time of invitation, they must demonstrate at least Competent English.
Be of good character.
Application Process
This is a points tested visa. Applicants can only apply for this visa if they are nominated by an Australia state or territory government agency AND if they are invited to apply for it.
When submitting their Expression of Interest (EOI) applicants must score at least 65 points to might be nominated. If they are nominated, they will be invited to apply. Please note: meeting the requirements does not guarantee that applicants will be selected and receive an invitation to apply. All state and territory government agencies have their own criteria for deciding who they will nominate.
Work and study anywhere in Australia, sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence, and potentially become an Australian citizen.
Processing Time
Processing times vary.
Subclass 491 - Skilled
Work Regional
(Provisional) Visa
The Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) is a provisional visa for nominated or sponsored skilled workers, allowing them to live and work in regional Australia for up to five years.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must be nominated by an Australian state or territory government agency or sponsored by an eligible relative*.
Applicants must be invited to apply.
Applicants must have a suitable skills assessment.
Their occupation must be on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations for the Skilled Regional (subclass 491) visa.
Be able to score 65 points or more.
At the time of invitation, they must demonstrate at least Competent English.
Be of good character.
Application Process
This is a points tested visa. Applicants can only apply for this visa if they are nominated by an Australia state or territory government agency of if they are sponsored by and eligible relative, AND if they are invited to apply for it. When submitting their Expression of Interest (EOI) applicants must score at least 65 points to might be nominated.
If they are nominated, they will be invited to apply. If they indicated in their EOI that they will be sponsored by an eligible relative the Department may invite them to apply in an invitation round.
Please note: meeting the requirements does not guarantee that applicants will be selected and receive an invitation to apply. All state and territory government agencies have their own criteria for deciding who they will nominate.
Live, work and study in designated regional areas of Australia for up to five years. Potential pathway to permanent residency through the Subclass 191 Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) visa after living in regional area for at least three years.
Processing Time
Processing times vary.
*eligible relatives: they must be at least 18 years old; usually reside in a designated area of Australia; be an Australian citizen, or Australian permanent resident, or an eligible New Zealand citizen; and be the applicant’s eligible relatives or their partner’s eligible relatives, if applicant’s partner is also applying for the visa.