Skilled Nominated visa (190) - NSW: updates 27 September 2023
Invitation rounds for the SKILLED NOMINATED visa (190) in NSW will commence next week.
What’s changing:
Due to high demand and limited places, to better address the skills shortages across the State, NSW will focus on priority sectors that need skilled workers, including:
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Although the focus will be in key-industries, high-ranking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) in non-priority sectors may also be considered.
Perth Regional status reinstated
As of 16 November 2019, Perth “regional” status will be reinstated.
This will bring a number of benefits to people migrating to Western Australia such as:
Obtain eligibility for an an additional year on a Subclass 485 Temporary Graduate visa;
Additional 5 points when applying for a skilled visa (18/190/491);
Perth residents can sponsor their skilled relatives for the family stream of the 491 visa
We will release further updates when available.