The brand new LI 22/038 gives an official form to what had been previously announced by the Minister for Immigration: people who were brave enough to remain in Australia during the pandemic will be somehow rewarded.
Among the other concessions, the LI establishes a new cohort that will be eligible for a permanent visa through the employer nominated visa subclasses 186 and 187.
Also, it extends the transitional concessions for people who had/had applied a 457 visa before 17 Apri 2017, the date when everything changed, concessions that were set to end on 18 March 2022.
The new legislation will come into effect on 1 July 2022.
But who belongs to the new category of potential applicants?
Two seem to be the main requirements:
Have resided in Australia for a minimum of 12 months (cumulatively) between 20 February 2020 and 14 December 2021
At the time of (the 186/187) application must be employed by a person that is actively and lawfully operating a business in Australia
More details to come and still inevitably some grey areas to clarify.
Stay tuned and book a consultation if you wish to know more or assess your eligibility.