Important changes have been announced within the Migration Program of the Federal Budget plan for 2020-2021, specifically for partner visa applicants and for temporary visa holders unable to travel to Australia due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Partner visa
A family sponsorship framework will be introduced; those who wish to sponsor their partner must submit their own application first and be deemed suitable to sponsor before a visa application can be lodged.
English language requirements will be introduced for BOTH applicants and their permanent resident sponsors. The aim is to enhance their social integration and a better economic participation.
Priority will be given to applications made onshore and to applicants whose sponsor resides in regional area.
REFUND for temporary visa holders
VAC refunds, waivers or visa extensions will be offered to current visa holders who have been unable to travel to Australia due to the pandemic and the borders closure, including:
temporary skilled workers and visitor visa holders, who will be eligible to have a VAC for a subsequent visa application waived,
working holiday visa makers will be eligible to have a VAC for a subsequent visa application waived or otherwise to access the VAC refund.
prospective marriage visa holders will have access to VAC (Visa Application Charges) refund.
To make these changes effective, regulation amendments are required.
Further updates will be available soon